SAS mode libname foo "/tmp/foobar"; %let count=1; /* Multi line Comment */ data _null_; x=ranuni(); * single comment; x2=x**2; sx=sqrt(x); if x=x2 then put "x must be 1"; else do; put x=; end; run; /* embedded comment * comment; */ proc glm data=sashelp.class; class sex; model weight = height sex; run; proc sql; select count(*) from sashelp.class; create table foo as select * from sashelp.class; select * from foo; quit; x 1libname foo "/tmp/foobar";2%let count=1;34/* Multi line5Comment6*/7data _null_;8 x=ranuni();9 * single comment;10 x2=x**2;11 sx=sqrt(x);12 if x=x2 then put "x must be 1";13 else do;14 put x=;15 end;16run;1718/* embedded comment19* comment;20*/2122proc glm data=sashelp.class;23 class sex;24 model weight = height sex;25run;2627proc sql;28 select count(*)29 from sashelp.class;3031 create table foo as32 select * from sashelp.class;3334 select *35 from foo;36quit;37 MIME types defined: text/x-sas.